Robbin’s Nest、今週末の営業スタイルのお知らせです。
4/12(金) 通常営業
4/13(土) ライブパフォーマンス by my funny hitchhiker ・wash?・creeps その後21:30くらいより通常営業
4/14(日) 通常営業
※本日のCOEDOビール樽生/一陽来復-Pastry Sour Ale-
2024.4.13(土) my funny hitchhiker ニューアルバム「Document」リリースツアー
2024.4.28(日) TOMOKO 「POP TRIP!! Vol.1」
2024.5.5(日) HIROSAKI BASH
2024.5.26(日) 無人島レコード after grow of spring at Robbin’s Nest Hirosaki
2024.7.5(金) リクオ『リアル』発売記念ツアー 弘前編
This weekend of Robbin’s Nest!
・4/12 (Fri) open as PUB as usual
・4/13 (Sat) Live performance by my funny hitchhiker・wash? ・creeps
open as PUB after the show
・4/14 (Sun) open as PUB as usual
Let’s talk about COEDO tap beer!
The Chocolate Dunkel has been finished, and the following one is Itiyo Raifuku, which is also limited and only available in a few quantities.
Hokkaido’s pumpkin is used in the brewing of this sour ale.
Last night, a member of our staff and I had a taste of it, and it was absolutely delicious!
We hope you will give it a try!