Pay as you drink (No tab or end of the night bill, just a simple, pay as you drink system.)
There is no table charge, entrance fee, or need for a reservation. Just simply come on in and enjoy.
As the myriad of music genres play around you, enjoy perusing our extensive menu.
From time to time we also have live performances by bands from around Japan and abroad.
If you come by yourself, you can pull up a seat at the bar, or if you’re with a group you can get a table.
Please feel free to contact us
ところで皆様、Robbin’s Nestが「居酒屋」でも「BAR」でもなく「PUB」と名乗っている理由、ご存知でしょうか?
それではPUB、Robbin’s Nest、今週末もいつも通り、お待ちしております!
Do you know exactly why we call ourselves a “pub”, not an “izakaya” nor a “bar?” The word “pub” has a certain specific meaning to it, which I wanted our business to live up to.Now it’d be no fun if this idea fell apart right away, so let’s try doing it homework-style, haha.The word “pub” isn’t all that intimately known in Japan. If you happen to be interested, by all means, please look it up on your own.And on that note, our pub, Robbin’s Nest, is ready and waiting for you this weekend as always!
※This picture is from a small town called Dungloe out on the edge of northern Ireland, where I stayed for a little while. It had the kind of pubs that I dream of ours being.
調べてくれた方もいるようですが、答えは「Public House パブリックハウス」の略。直訳すると「公共の家」。1860年代に出て来たというこの言葉、単なる飲み屋さんと言うよりは、「社交場」としての意味合いが強く含まれている感じがします。
Robbin’s Nestスタッフである僕ら兄弟がPUBの本場、アイルランドで見て来た景色もまさにそうでした。どんな小さな街に行っても必ずと言っていいほどあるPUB。
自分の地元にこんなお店ができたらいいな、という想いが具現化された店Robbin’s Nest。末永くみなさんに楽しんでもらえる場所になればと思っています。
The question we were asked the other day, 「What is a PUB?」. Some of you have probably looked it up or just figured it out already but the answer is actually that the word is a contraction for PUBLIC HOUSE. A pub, formally a public house, (a house “open to the public”, as opposed to a private house), is a drinking establishment fundamental to the culture of Britain,Ireland, Australia,Canada, New England, Metro Detroit, South Africa and New Zealand. In many places, especially in villages, a pub can be the focal point of the community. That’s exactly what my younger brother and I have seen and experienced when we were in Ireland, which is the home country of the PUB. In Ireland, you can find a PUB anywhere even if you’re in very small village with a small population. Usually each one finishes their own work and has dinner at home and then, it’s time to go to the PUB! Many people get together in a PUB to have a good time and good beer. They can be anybody from neighbors to tourists! The only difference from Japanese Izakayas or Bars is the age range of customers. Everybody from young to old can have a good time at the same time, and in the same place. They can simply talk with good friends, actively seek out and make new friends, or covertly complain about their jobs with one another and charge up energy for the next day! In addition, it’s way better if there’s good music around there!!! This is exactly what I hope the PUBs of my town will be. I know this is a lot to read but I am unable to contain my feelings, and really want everyone to know how the culture of the PUB is precious and you are very lucky if you have one in your town. It is my wish that Robbin’s Nest is like this. We really hope Robbin’s Nest may be loved and long lasting!!!
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Open:7 days a week. 17:00-
cash on style, without a table charge
English Available