creeps成田翔一の「what’s the craic!」
12/3(土) FMアップルウェーブ 20時〜21時放送
W杯サッカー日本代表・パブリックビューイングスケジュール@Robbin’s Nest
12.1(木) 28:00 W杯グループE 第3節 vsスペイン
全試合Robbin’s Nestでパブリックビューイング開催!
※本日のCOEDOビール樽生/紅赤-インペリアルスウィートアンバー(Imperial Sweet Potato Amber)-
2022.12.10(土) おげれつ倶楽部feat. 玉川健一郎/のりちゃん
2023.2.4(土) 坂本サトル&小山内創祐ツーマンライブ「ビーフ or マトン? vol.1」
We had a radio recording.
This time it was a feature on HEATWAVE, which is coming to Hirosaki on December 4 (Sun.).
With Akira Takeuchi, who has been on the show for a while, we talked about the appeal of HEATWAVE a lot!
Hiroshi Yamaguchi has given us a message for the program, so we hope you will listen to it!
I know this is the busiest time of the year for you, but I hope you will listen to the radio show to learn more about HEATWAVE, and then come to the live show.
The photo was taken at the live concert with him at the opening of JOY-POPS in March 2021.
creeps Shoichi Narita’s “what’s the craic!
12/3 (Sat) FM Apple Wave, 20:00-21:00 on air
If you are out of the area, you can listen from here.
Japan World Cup Soccer Team Public Viewing Schedule @Robbin’s Nest
12.1(Thu) 28:00 World Cup Group E 3rd vs Spain
Public viewing of all games will be held at Robbin’s Nest!
One drink service for those who come to our PUB in uniform! (only those who order 2 or more drinks)(Non-soccer uniforms are also acceptable!)
Reserve your seats ASAP!
※Today’s COEDO beer on tap/Beniaka-Imperial Sweet Potato Amber-
※live music information
2022.12.10(sat) Ogeretsu-Club feat. Kenichiro Tamagawa
2023.2.4(sat) Satoru Sakamoto & Sousuke Osanai「Beef or Mutton? vol.1」
