
Robbin’s Nestは営業時間を延長してパブリックビューイングを開催します!




W杯サッカー日本代表・パブリックビューイングスケジュール@Robbin’s Nest

12.1(木) 28:00 W杯グループE 第3節 vsスペイン

全試合Robbin’s Nestでパブリックビューイング開催!

※本日のCOEDOビール樽生/紅赤-インペリアルスウィートアンバー(Imperial Sweet Potato Amber)-


2022.12.10(土) おげれつ倶楽部feat. 玉川健一郎/のりちゃん
2023.2.4(土) 坂本サトル&小山内創祐ツーマンライブ「ビーフ or マトン? vol.1」

The match of Japan’s World Cup football team against Spain is just around the corner! It is the finale match in the qualifying stage.

This match is on a very tough tough time for everyone in Japan though..
Robbin’s Nest will be open extended hours for public viewing!

It will be a difficult match normally, but the Japanese national team just proved in the first game against Germany that you never know what can happen in football.

Let’s support them on as best we can, as long as there’s hope!

Japan World Cup Soccer Team Public Viewing Schedule @Robbin’s Nest

12.1(Thu) 28:00 World Cup Group E 3rd vs Spain

Public viewing of all games will be held at Robbin’s Nest!
One drink service for those who come to our PUB in uniform! (only those who order 2 or more drinks)(Non-soccer uniforms are also acceptable!)
Reserve your seats ASAP!

※Today’s COEDO beer on tap/Beniaka-Imperial Sweet Potato Amber-

※live music information
2022.12.10(sat) Ogeretsu-Club feat. Kenichiro Tamagawa
2023.2.4(sat) Satoru Sakamoto & Sousuke Osanai「Beef or Mutton? vol.1」
